Wednesday 5 November 2014

Bizarro #1

Bizarro #1was released as Superman #23.1

- Lets get straight to the point I love Bizarro, or should that be Me Hate Bizarro. I used to be Marvel only, due to X-Men and Spiderman, but one night I started watching Smallville which opened my eyes to the Superman/DC Universe, the first episode I caught was Aqua then a year or so later found out Arthur Curry is Aquaman. Season 6's finale was when I first saw Bizarro, albeit unknowingly, then when I read an issue of the Smallville magazine I discovered this other Clark was Bizarro.
 Thus since this discovery I have bought each issue of Superman or Action Comics that I can find in my local comic store with Bizarro in it, also a set of Four comics entitled A. Bizarro. Also Bizarro was the first of the Villains Month comics I bought though I initially thought it was just a one off in the Superman comic run but at the end of the issue they showed all 52 of the Villains Month releases and it snowballed from there, though Bizarro is not among the 3D issues I own unfortunately.

 The comic starts Five years ago where we see Superman demanding his cape back from Lex but more importantly Superman bleeds onto Lex unknowingly giving Lex a sample of his blood to work with. Lex isn't happy that instead of creating Super Soldiers the military simply simply sticks soldiers in suits, he thinks you should augment humans themselves.  
  We see Lex thinking of his own Superman, who has a suit with an L on it and that would be an interesting skin for the Injustice game, as would Red Son. Superman's blood was the key to Lex mapping the Kryptonian genome and he intends to splice it with human DNA. We now see Lex's test subject named Bobby who seems to be nothing more than a kid, he wears a Superman shirt much to Lexs chagrin. Lex injects Bobby then exposes him to sunlight to stimulate the augmented cells, the yellow sun powers Superman. Bobby has a bad reaction to the treatment and turns grey and huge he also wont answer Lexs commands who wonders if Bobbys brain cells are swelling like Bobby's body but the intracranial edema would cut off the blood flow to his brain reducing hs intelligence to next to nothing.
  Lex's K(ryptonite)-Cannon doesn't stop Bobby, we see Bobby use the Ice vision and Fire breath whilst fighting Lexs drones. Bobby is finally stopped when Lex exposes him to the sunlight again and Bobby promptly explodes as Lex explains that the pseudo-Kryptonian cells and human tissue couldn't take the strain, which makes him decide to omit the human factor in future attempts at his own Superman and clone a purely Kryptonian body from the cells of Superman. Then for the final panel of the comic we jump to 'Today' and see a body inside a tube/tank whatever you want to call them, I assume this to be THE Bizarro.

Writer: Sholly Fisch
Pencil: Jeff Johnson
Colors: Javier Mena & Jordie Bellaire
Cover: Aaron Kuder w/ Daniel Brown.

- Bizarro is cartoony looking but fits with the character so I don't mind.
- A panel I really liked is one where Lex holds up Bobbys Superman shirt which is now inside out and gives us a glimpse of what becomes Bizarro's S.
- Notice in the credits that there's a cover artist different ti the artist used for the comic, well the Bizarro on the cover is different to the one we see within the comic, I like both interpretations of Bizarro and having two different offerings kind of fits with the Bizarro character and maybe the Bizarro on the cover is the one used in the Forever Evil comic, i'm not sure as I haven't looked into that series yet properly.
- Main issue I have with this is that it's more about Lex as THE Bizarro doesn't show up, Bobby/Bizarro in this comic explodes so he's not the end product Bizarro, a good thing though is that there's no side stories so the whole comic is based on Lex's attempts to create a new Superman giving it a good pace and clear structure throughout. 
- If this is how New 52s Bizarro comes about, making him a Lex experiment, then I guess there's no more Cubed Planet *sings Candle In The Wind as a tribute*.
- Overall I did enjoy it from design to story though it isn't really a Bizarro story it's more a Lex Luthor #2 in Villains Month. So it is a Bizarro story just without Bizarro .... how Bizarre! 

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